Saturday, April 14, 2007

Taking the Fear out of Digital Photography Meeting


Monday evening; I went to The Trenholm Artists Guild's meeting which was with the SC Watermedia Society; their web site is at:

This is a meeting; I do not normally attend; but I went because they were having Jay Gross speak about "Taking the Fear out of Digital Photography" for artists. I actually may be more afraid now; then I was before. Ignorance truly is bliss. Anyway; I got a big surprise when I saw Guy Lipscomb. He turned 90 this week and he is truly an amazing artist. Here is a picture from the meeting with Jay Gross (standing) talking to him (Guy is sitting) I believe the photographer that shot their picture was Jerry Bridgers. Correct me if I am wrong.
Jay gave us all a hand out which is on the Trenholm Art Guild website; if you would like a copy of it and more great photos as well. I am trying to decide what camera would work best for my needs as an artist but also as someone that doesn't like to read manuals. I go to the trial and error school of thought. So I am looking for simplicity; yet quality. I also would like something that has the capacity to do videos as you can see I have gotten into and would love to film and post individual artists at work.
Neither Jay Gross or Guy Lipscomb have an art website under their individual names; although both of them are all over the internet. So I will leave that for you to google up; if you want more info on either of them.
I have received several artists work to post for my website at
and they will be posted on Sunday April 15, 2007.
Please stop in and look at their work and don't forget to book mark this space and read it every week so you know what's happening in the art world in this part of the world.
As any artist that knows me knows;
it's time for me to go painting; now. So; I'll catch up with you again soon!

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