Artists Opportunity from the Email box....
For further info please contact Andy Witt directly.
From: andrew witt
andy@getcultured.orgSubject: ArtQuarium
For the past year the ArtQuarium in the windows of the Meridian Building Parking garage on Washington Street, between Sumter and Main has exhibited marine themed artwork from Richland One students.
Holder Properties, owners of the space have asked us to create a new show. The schools districts are now overwhelmed with budget cuts, testing etc. and have declined. The space is secure but is not climate controlled. It faces due north so until mid summer does not have any sun exposure. The actual open space is 8-9 fee high, 3 feet deep and about 60 feet long and divided by glass sections every 16 feet or so. The back wall has been painted to look (sort of) underwater, and the floor (seabed) is sand. The student work is primarily 3-D and suspended from the ceiling with monofilament. The space is lit at night and looks terrific.
So here’s the opportunity for Columbia based artists.
This will be a sales opportunity to make that clear. The Cultural Council will collect a 25% commission and remit the sales tax. The tax will be added to the purchase price.
There is no fee involved for participation but we may have some type of jury process if the response is large. In that case the jury will be representatives of Holder Properties and area gallery owners/managers , and/or artists who would not be participating.
Here’s what we’re looking for:
College students and adult artists only please. Residents of SC with preference to those living/working in Richland and Lexington Counties.
Marine themed life – fish, mollusks, corals and other underwater marine life in any media. Particularly tropical and other colorful species. They may also be related to environmentally threatened species. Due to the nature of the space we discourage 2-D and water media (humidity, etc). We do encourage ceramic, metal, wood, mixed media and other works that have a fish swimming in the ocean feeling. Mobiles and similar works are fabulous.
A label with the artist name, title, media, and price will be on a sheet posted in the window and interested buyers can contact the artist directly, or you can go though the Cultural Council.
There is no upper limit on price but we do suggest that you look at more affordable pieces for those patrons interested in decorating beach or other properties.
There is probably some room for 2-D work to be hung on the back wall, and some marine above water landscapes may be appropriate, but please keep in mind we call this the ArtQuarium and are really looking for underwater themed works.
I would encourage the various artist guilds and associations to perhaps think about a joint project and exhibition where your group could take one section of the windows.
Please take a look at what is currently there to get a feel. Please also forward this to others who may be interested in participating.
Please contact me as soon as possible as we’d like to start the changeover as soon as possible.
Thanks for your interest
Call if questions.
Andrew Witt
Executive Director
Cultural Council of Richland and Lexington Counties
930 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
803.231.3131 (direct line)