"The SC State Fair means so many different things to so many different people. With the food, the rides, the music, the livestock, the exhibits, etc., it's hard to bring everything together and represent the Fair's various facets. However, we know that we have some very original and creative patrons out there who can accomplish such a feat, so we are calling on YOU to show us what you have and create your own SC State Fair commercial for a chance to win an incredible "Fair Prize Package".
Applicant must be current resident of SC or attending a school in SC.
Applicants under age 18 must be registered by parent or legal guardian.
If a group of individuals is submitting a video together, one person must be designated as a contact person.
Commercial must be titled.
Commercial length must be a minimum of 15 seconds and maximum of 30 seconds.
Registration form must be complete.
Judges will select 10 finalists who will then be voted on by the public to pick the Grand Prize Winner.*
9 Finalists: Each finalist wins 10 Single Admission Passes, 10 “POP” Ride Coupons, & 4 PEPSI® Grandstand concert tickets to show of your choice.
1 Grand Prize: Grand Prize winner wins 50 Single Admission Passes, 10 “POP” Ride Coupons, 2 Fair Preview Party Invitations, 4 PEPSI® Grandstand Concert Tickets to show of your choice with Backstage/“Meet & Greet” Passes**, and $250 Cash.
What Do You Need To Enter?
A video camera, a
YouTube account (membership is FREE!), and creativity like never before!
Video Judging Criteria
All eligible entries received during the Video Submission Period will be judged based on the following judging criteria, each given equal weight.
Creativity and originality including use of required elements
“Well-Rounded”—meaning that your commercial has effectively displayed the different aspects of the Fair that makes it like no other event
Quality of video
Overall impression
Based on the Judge’s scores the top ten entries will be posted on the SC State Fair’s website during the Public Voting Period to determine a Grand Prize winner.
May 1
July 11
July 12
August 1
August 2
September 2
September 9th
So go ahead, follow the rules, get those creative juices flowing and have some fun! Hey, and be sure to stay tuned to
www.scstatefair.org all summer for updates for the 2008 SC State Fair.
*If, after 10 days the judges cannot make contact with a selected finalist, they reserve the right to disqualify the applicant's video entry and select another video, thereby releasing the original finalist from all prize winning opportunities.
**Pending artist's approval.
If you do not already have a YouTube account (membership is FREE!), click
here to set one up.
Once you have made your video,
upload it to your account.
Next, send your video in a YouTube message to “SC State Fair” and include the following information in the message body:
# of Participants
Phone Number
Video Name
Your Initials (By initialing this form you are verifying that all of the above information is correct and shall serve as an authorized signature)
Make sure your video is selected to be attached to the message by selecting it from the “Attach a Video” box of the message.
You will receive a reply message when we have received your video.
South Carolina State Fair1200 Rosewood Drive, Columbia SC 29201 USA PO Box 393, Columbia SC 29202 USA Phone: 803-799-3387 or Toll Free: 888-444-3247 Fax: 803-799-1760Web site questions/comments/e-mail:
geninfo@scstatefair.org "
copied from an email received from the SC State Fair