Saturday, May 16, 2015

Germany and all my readers Rock!!

Jagged Edges oil by Jean Bourque

Hi there,

I know in my last post I quoted what my stats were on facebook.
The article was published and then I realized I had not checked
the stats for the blog. After all, this is something I have been doing
for 8 years now. I believe the blog has stood the test of time.

Other than Americans; my readers are in this order with
these countries, which shows a big difference between blog
and facebook.

1. GERMANY Thank you to all my German readers!! I will be studying German next year
thanks to all of you and the people from the galleries in Berlin that have taken the time
to invite me to show in their galleries. I am very excited about this!

2. Russia

3. Ireland

4. Japan

5. Serbia

6. Ukraine

7. China

8. Netherlands

9. France

All of these countries are higher than any other English speaking countries and higher than any Spanish speaking countries,  It is here, I find my fans from Japan and China.  I thank you all very much. I had a gut level feeling that was telling me to learn German and now, I am convinced this is my best career move.

Yours Truly,
Silk Collage by Jean Bourque

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